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School of International Education founded - New journey towards Internationalization

Date:2022-12-29    Writer:     Source:     Clicks:

In order to adapt to the new situation and new requirements of internationalized education, Sichuan Tourism University fully implements the spirit of the University’s 2nd Congress of CPC and requirements of the Sichuan Tourism University’s Plan for Medium- and Long-term Development, and it adheres to the principle of improving the University through international cooperation and exchange and further enhancing the standard of internationalized education. On December 20, the University’s Committee of CPC decided to found the School of International Education, after deliberation and preparation.

The School of International Education is an important step towards the internationalized development of the University; it is a rigid demand of the school’s 14th Five-Year Plan on international development. Internationalization is a successful experience of the world first-class universities, and international exchange and cooperation is also an important indicator for running an internationally renowned higher education institution. Science has no borders and development can be learnt from. The School of International Education aims to integrate the resources for international development inside and outside the University. It will fully implement the strategy of the opening up and development of the education and it will strengthen the discipline construction that supports international development, talent fostering and scientific research, on broader area, at higher level and through diversified channels and deepening content. In this way, all-round and high-standard international cooperation and exchange can be achieved. The School of International Education is a secondary school that is mainly responsible for service of international students studying in China, overseas school running, Sino-foreign cooperative education, MTCSOL, non-formal language training and other teaching research and talent fostering programs for internationalized education.

The foundation of the School of International Education has marked the new journey of our University towards internationalized education. It will build an exchange platform for Chinese and foreign students to study together, as well as provide quality services for students at home and abroad. It will also draw upon the advanced experience of other internationally famous universities, to inject strong momentum into the development of the University.




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